Mitja Trampuž, Director of CREAPLUS, was elected Vice President of the Cybersecurity Section of the Association for Informatics and Telecommunications at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia at the Assembly of Members of the Cybersecurity Section of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.
Mitja Trampuž summarised his thoughts after his election:
"I would like to thank the members of the Cybersecurity Section for electing me as Vice President. The Slovenian economy is at an important milestone in the development of cybersecurity and business risk management ahead of the implementation of NIS 2, which makes my role all the more responsible. During my term of office, we in the Cybersecurity Section will strive to provide strong support to companies in the development of cybersecurity systems and governance to advance their business development and remain competitive. We will also support the government and public administration in the preparation and implementation of the sector strategy and the 2030 roadmap. I see the Cybersecurity Section as a central counterpart for key stakeholders to strengthen cybersecurity in the economy, the country and society. As Vice President, I will bring to the work of the Section my long-standing professional and business experience from the international environment, as well as my broad knowledge and best practices in information security. Together with the President, the Executive Committee and the members of the Section, I want to co-create a strong guild that will provide knowledge, create business opportunities and increase the visibility of Slovenian cybersecurity activities in domestic and foreign markets."
The CREAPLUS team congratulates Mitja on his election.