Security on autopilotThe largest international live cyber defense exercise Locked Shields 2022, in which CREAplus experts also participated second time in a row, has successfully come to an end.

The Locked Shields 2022 exercise was organized by the NATO Cooperative Cyber ​​Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE). A total of 24 blue teams, including the NATO Alliance team, practiced defending complex information networks and systems in the event of a large-scale cyber attack. CREAplus experts again this year also played an active role in this event, successfully providing help with cyber defense.

The Locked Shields exercise is a large-scale and itensive international exercise in the field of cyber defense, organized every year by CCDCOE from Tallinn, Estonia. In Slovenia, on the basis of CCDCOE guidelines, the cooperation with CCDCOE is run by the Ministry of Defense togehter with the Cyber ​​Security Section at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

The annual real-time network defence exercise Locked Shields is a unique opportunity for national cyber defenders to practise protection of national IT systems and critical infrastructure under the intense pressure of a severe cyber attack.

More on the exercise here.